Food and Ecological Systems Modelling Journal (FESMJ) is an innovative open access journal which facilitates the publication of mathematical models, datasets and software solutions in the areas of Agriculture, Food, Social-Ecological Interactions, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. The journal focuses on submissions documenting the following outcomes of the research cycle: data, models, model validation studies, software, data analytics pipelines and visualisation methods.

Food and Ecological Systems Modelling Journal (FESMJ), ISSN 2815-3197 is a replacement title for and continuation of the Food Modelling Journal (FMJ), ISSN 2603-4301, published from 2019 to 2021. All content of the journal under its previous and current titles is available through the present website.

ISSN 2815-3197 (online)
AGINFRA+Accelerating user-driven e-infrastructure innovation in Food & Agriculture has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731001.
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